Home Inspections For Selling Your Home 2019-03-05

Podcast Transcription [light-hearted music]Brian: Welcome to House Fluent Inspections Radio, where we help you enjoy stress-free home buying, home selling, and home ownership. I’m your host, Brian Botch, owner of House Fluent Inspections. I’m joined today by Bill Beck. We’re both licensed, professional inspectors here in the state of Texas, and we regularly inspect homes of all shapes and sizes.…

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Sprinkler Systems and Lawn Maintenance 2019-02-20

Podcast Transcription [light-hearted music] Brian: Welcome to House Fluent Inspections Radio, where we help you enjoy stress-free home-buying, home-selling, and homeownership. I’m your host, Brian Botch, owner of House Fluent Inspections, and I’m joined today by Bill Beck. We’re both licensed professional inspectors here in the state of Texas. So, Bill, it’s really hard to believe, but can you believe…

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Fireplace Maintenance and Safety

If you haven’t realized, here in North Texas, “WINTER” has officially arrived. It’s true. Go look, I’ll wait...I put the word in quotes because, really, if you’ve lived here for more than a few days, you know that the weather is always changing. It can be sunny and mild one day, only to be bitter cold and icy the next. …

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Help Your Home Weather The Winter

The weather is nothing if not unpredictable here in North Texas, especially in the winter. We can see anything from rain, to sleet, to snow and the dreaded black ice. Then there are days when it is clear and sunny and almost 80 degrees. Your home must endure all this to keep you comfortable, dry and safe all winter long.…

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Can a Home Checkup Plan Help You Sleep Better Too?

I have been asked more than a few times how I got the idea for the home checkup program.  As with most things, the answer is I had the idea after dealing with a difficult situation that impacted me personally. One morning as I was getting ready to go to work, my wife came over to me and mentioned that…

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