How To Prepare Your Home For An Inspection

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Are you getting ready to sell your home? One of the key steps in the process is having a professional home inspection. As a seller, there are several things you can do to prepare for the inspection and help it go as smoothly as possible.

Why Preparing for an Inspection Matters

A home inspection is a thorough visual examination of the structure and systems of your house. As inspectors, we will look at everything from the roof and attic to the foundation and plumbing. Our goal is to identify document the current condition of your home while pointing out potential safety issues or major defects that need may repair.

As you can imagine, the inspection is a crucial part of the process when selling your home, so having your home as prepared as possible prior to the inspection just makes sense. By preparing ahead of time, you can make the entire process go smoother and hopefully sail through your option period.

Focus on Access and Visibility

One of the most important things you can do to prepare for our arrival at your home is to ensure that as home inspectors, we have easy access to all the areas and systems that need inspected. Remember, we will need to get into your attic, crawlspace, garage, and yard and will need access to all the major components of your home such as your electrical panel, how water heater and HVAC system. Some specific steps to take:

Handle Small Repairs

Take a walk through your home and make a list of any minor issues you spot. Small problems like leaky faucets, missing outlet covers, loose hand rails, or damaged window screens are generally easy to fix yourself. Tackle what you can before the inspection – usually the sooner you can do this the better, often times once you sign a contract with a buyer the inspection happens within a day or two.

Don’t forget exterior items, while you don’t need to renovate your entire house, repairing obvious damage and safety hazards is always a good idea.  This isn’t about making your house perfect, it’s about going after the low hanging fruit.  The less we have to document, the faster the inspection goes and the less there is for your buyer to have to look through on the report.

Make a Plan for Pets

If you have pets, have a plan to keep them contained during the inspection. You can either take them with you when you leave the house, confine them to a crate or room, or arrange for a pet sitter. Not only will this keep your pets from interfering with the inspector’s work, it will prevent accidental escapes as the inspector goes in and out of the house and yard.

Leave Helpful Information

Finally, consider leaving a note for the inspector with any information that will help them do their job more efficiently. If you know where the sewer cleanouts or water shut-off valves are located, point that out. Provide instructions if necessary for operating any special features of your home.

You can also note any repairs or upgrades you’ve done recently. Have you put on a new roof? Replaced the HVAC system? Updated the electrical panel? Knowing the age and history of the house’s major components is very helpful for the inspector.

Be Ready on Inspection Day

On the day of the home inspection, plan on being away from the house for at least 3-4 hours. This will allow the inspector sufficient time and space to conduct a thorough evaluation without interruptions. Prior to leaving though, there are a few steps you should take:

Remove any unnecessary clutter that may impede the inspector’s access or visibility.  No need to deep clean, although a clean house is always appreciated 😃, but clearing pathways and surfaces will make the inspection process go smoother. Turning on all lights and ceiling fans helps the inspector to locate switches. Open window coverings to maximize natural lighting, enabling better visibility during the inspection.

Verify that the inspector can readily access crucial components like sprinkler controllers, electrical panels, water heaters, and any other essential systems or equipment that requires inspection.

While not mandatory, if you can swing it, be present for the initial 10-15 minutes of the inspection. This allows you to address any immediate questions the inspector may have regarding the location or access to specific areas of the home. Additionally, you can provide the inspector with any last minute instructions you might want them to have regarding pets or access.  If you can’t be there consider leaving a note detailing the placement of cleanouts, locations of keys for any locked rooms or outbuildings, and anything else you might want the inspector to know about your home.

By taking these proactive measures, you can streamline the home inspection process, ensuring a thorough evaluation while minimizing potential delays or obstructions.

Final Thoughts

Getting your home ready for an inspection is really important. By following the tips in this article, you can make sure the inspection goes smoothly. Doing a little preparation work can go a long way toward making the inspection process go smoothly. 

The main things to focus on are making sure the inspector can get to all the areas they need to check, like the attic, crawlspace, and furnace. Clear out any clutter that blocks their way. Consider quick, small repairs like leaky faucets or broken screens. And give the inspector notes about your home if you have them.

The home inspection checks an important box when selling your house and with a little preparation you can help things go smoothly.

House Fluent Inspections

House Fluent Inspections, the premier home inspection company in North Texas.

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