Harnessing the Power of Home Staging: Insights from Real Estate Experts Dan and Becci Tomasek

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In a recent episode of the House Fluent Podcast, hosts Brian and Tony sat down with Dan and Becci Tomasek, a dynamic husband-wife real estate team from RE-MAX DFW. With over 41 years of experience in real estate and 25 years in staging and design, the Tomaseks shared valuable insights on how to leverage home staging to attract buyers in today’s changing market.

The Power of Complementary Expertise in Real Estate

Dan and Becci Tomasek bring a unique blend of skills to their real estate team. Dan’s extensive experience in property evaluation and contract negotiation pairs perfectly with Becci’s background in staging and design. This combination allows them to offer comprehensive guidance to both buyers and sellers.

“We’re in our own lane,” Dan explains. “I’ve been evaluating property and negotiating contracts for over 41 years. And then she brings the design aspect into it, helping our buyers when we’re walking through a home to see, gosh, you know, if you just did this, this wouldn’t cost much, colors, floor coverings, whatever it might be.”

The Impact of Home Staging on Selling Success

When it comes to preparing a home for sale, the Tomaseks emphasize the importance of staging. Becci shares her approach:

“I enjoy just walking with the owner through the home and talking to them about maybe what their budget is in that area. What are you wanting to do? Are you willing to switch out carpeting that could be really stained? Because that’s an eyesore. You want it as fresh and you want to have it look its very best the minute it hits the market.”

Their experience shows that proper staging can significantly reduce time on the market and even lead to multiple offers, even in challenging situations.

Working with Existing Furniture and Decor

Contrary to popular belief, staging doesn’t always mean bringing in new furniture. Becci often works with the homeowner’s existing items:

“If they have a lot of furniture in there and they’re wanting to use it and it’s usable and it makes sense, then we can go ahead and use it, use their art. Maybe it’s more about elimination because we accumulate so much as we live in a home.”

The Importance of Pre-Listing Inspections

The Tomaseks strongly advocate for pre-listing inspections. Dan explains the benefits:

“If we have some like you guys come in, do that pre-home inspection. Now you got an eye on it. And it’s especially helpful when you see a situation where,, I can see where this home is going to have multiple offers.”

This approach allows sellers to address potential issues before listing, potentially avoiding negotiations over repairs later in the process.

Navigating Repairs and Negotiations

When it comes to negotiating repairs, the Tomaseks advise focusing on major issues. Dan suggests:

“I usually tell them to stick to the major, stick to the major items. They’re seeing it. And even though they had a home inspection, something came up.”

They also recommend considering a credit for repairs instead of having the seller fix issues directly, allowing buyers to choose their own contractors.

Addressing Environmental Concerns

For older homes, the Tomaseks recommend getting a professional inspection to identify any environmental issues like mold, lead, or asbestos. Dan advises:

“Hire you guys, okay? Have the home inspection done, see what they find, because for, you know, it’s not perfect, but you’re going find pretty much most of it.”

In conclusion

Dan and Becci Tomasek’s insights highlight the importance of professional staging, thorough inspections, and strategic negotiations in today’s real estate market. Their unique blend of experience in both real estate and design offers a comprehensive approach to buying and selling homes.

To learn more about harnessing the power of home staging and navigating the current real estate market, be sure to listen to the full podcast episode featuring Dan and Becci Tomasek.

House Fluent Inspections

House Fluent Inspections, the premier home inspection company in North Texas.

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